Ahead of the recent debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former president Donald Trump, NBA star Stephen Curry revealed why he made the decision to publicly endorse Harris for president despite the risk of ostracizing some of his fans.
Bloomberg Originals’ Emily Chang asked him in a recent interview, “Michael Jordan famously said ‘Republicans buy shoes, too.’ Why put yourself out there and take a position?”
The Golden State Warriors point guard replied, “Well first, it was the conviction of what you believe, being active and actually publicly endorsing her, being a part of the DNC — back in 2020 as well. I just approach everything with decency and humanity. It’s not like I’m out here casting flames at the other side — it’s what I believe in. Whether you agree with me or not, you want to be able to foster positive conversations. You want to be able to have intelligent conversations about what’s actually happening.”